Centre for Applied Statistics


Further information

  • Fees

The UWA Centre for Applied Statistics has, for over 30 years, provided consultancy services to the University community and outside organisations and companies.

Our staff members have a broad range of interests and have a vast amount of statistical consulting experience.

Our services

The UWA Centre for Applied Statistics provides:

  • efficient analyses of data using modern methods and software
  • advice to help you avoid costly mistakes in the set up of your project
  • authoritative, critical assessment of data, including expert witness testimony in courts of law
  • access to modern statistical and mathematical software
  • instruction so you may intelligently use statistical tools
  • independent reviews and feedback on reports and research articles.

Contact us by email to organise a consultation and services.


Centre for Applied Statistics

This Page

Last updated:
Wednesday, 29 May, 2024 3:48 PM
